Short Track Samples: from the Soznak album Dear Dad Tango
Beriso Lutonda singing `Weekily` with special guests Black Voices, acapella choir from Birminham
Mutandi (newcastle drumming group) George Pando (on kit) and Keith Hill on marimba plus of course the band Soznak. Here is a short sample from the 12 minute track on the album Dear Dad Tango available dorect contact me or in shops in the UK or internationally from Amazon CD baby Itunes etc . Beriso muses on the financial problems of the newcomer to the North of England. See Con Murphy reviews for a review of the track
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Ulises Diaz sings the Moroccan
Ulises Diaz sings The Moroccan a song about a homesick Moroccan stranded in Spain in love with a spanish brunette but missing the aromas of Morocco
The Guitar is Played by Fergus Paton and Trumpet Paul Miskin-
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Adrain Longo
Adrain Longo plays the trumpet solo in Breath This peice of music won first and second place in a north east film music competion and became the sound track for a one minute film which won in the film category.
Breath -
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Dads Argentine dancers
Dear Dad Tango – This is the title track of the Album and is a lament for the loss of Lionel Miskin (Paul Miskin’s dad) and an evocation of Lionel’s imaginary Argentina It is sung by Ulises Diaz with Soznak plus special guests

Kyrie Miskin blowing the bone
Kyrie miskin on Trombone Penny Callow on cello and Tim Dalling on accordian
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Caras de Noche extract featuring Neil Harlan on bass Paul Miskin on guitar and trumpet
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Tyne Tigris Confluence is a meeting of two worlds featuring Firas Kirala the world touring virtuoso oudi from Baghdad living in the north of England
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Tsunami song This is a poignant song of solidarity from Beriso Lutonda for the victims of a natural disaster from a refugee from the politics of Angola Beriso the author plays all the guitar parts and does all the harmonies
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Cooking in the kitchen This is a bizarre concatenation of music and sung food recipes from different parts of the world. There are some good recipes here and some not so good,
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Suga stik is a fusion of zulu poetry and afrobeat. Here is a sample featuring Nikosana and Simon Tarant on thumb piano
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Nik Alevroyiannis on assorted surdos. Parts organised by Keith Hill
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Here is an extract fromTraffic Jambo this became the sound track for Bewicks Mambo aother movie by Peter Snowden
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Paul On Flugel and his son Kyrie on trombone play their hearts out in this tribute to lionel Miskin, Paul’s dad, whose death left a gaping void. The album Dear Dad Tango is dedicated to him. He was an eclectic musical lover novelist film maker painter etcher in fact a poly math but most important he was a lovely encouraging person. For more about lionel you can visit his website set up by John Miskin.
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Lovely stuff. Thanks, you gave me a CD when we met at Mintfest.. I loved it.. I also as a result did some research about your Dad.. Amazing. Loved the work.. I am now living in Whitby, would love to make the journey up to you guys some time to hear you/join in a rehearsal.. I play trumpet/french horn/tenor horn and I also write music. You mentioned that sometimes you need to have things arranged at short notice and it might be useful to have someone to do that. I would be up for it..
Liz Armour
BTW I really think your music should be heard at Music Port festival, Whitby. Have you tried approaching them. Now is a really good time as I think they’re just finalising things!!
Thats nice Liz we have played music port 3 times actually dont know if we will get in again next year my normal email is
im of on my travels but will be back at home in newcastle from the 7th march lets chat then px