Durham Brass festival is truly a unique feast of modern international brass ensembles and (what in europe they call) `fanfare` Soznak look forward avidly every year to this opportunity to present their latest offerings in this rawcous context on the streets of durham.
To get to our shows in millenium square you come down out of market square which is the centre of durham you cross the bridge over the main rd and on the other side you turn left. It is also the location of the Gala theatre.
In the Durham brass fest this year Soznak will be playing brassacious afro-Geordie rumba including songs in Lingala Ncongo, French, Portugese and not the queen’s English. Soznak have just returned from touring Rumania and Ireland This will be a great opportunity to see them locally free of charge as a part of a humongous program of free brassadoubri-istic shows on the streets of Durham. Watch out for Berizo`s smokey honey vocals and Andy`s smoking souza.
Saturday 16th July 2011
11.00 Soznak Millennium Place Durham DH1 1WA
1500 Soznak Millennium Place Durham DH1 1WA
Sunday 17th July 2011
13.00 Soznak Millennium Place Durham DH1 1WA
8.00 Soznak Millennium Place Durham DH1 1WA